Expression is something that describes every individual. It is hard to contain or mask. I am very expressive about basketball and the NBA. I am a basketball fanatic, and the passion that I have for the game is so strong that many people close to me instinctively know that most of my casual conversations consists of the sport in some aspect. The internet has empowered expression past any level thought of before.
The NBA is a fast paced game that spreads to far ends of the dramatic spectrum. It ranges from legal issues off the court to small issues of eating a pizza before a game (Hedo). These issues bring a variety of aspects that make the game enjoyable. Many will never forget the circus shots that Dwayne Wade made in the 2006 Finals, to get him a championship after being down 2-0. Many won’t forget the one second shot LeBron made in the 2009 Playoffs. The game is more exciting than ever with Dwight, Kobe, LeBron, Wade, Chris Paul, the rising star of Brandon Jennings, and so many other potential Hall of Famers.
This blog is an outlet for all of the potential WOW moments that can occur. It’s an outlet to express my ideas and views of NBA games and current events. It’s an outlet to hear other points of views refuting mine . This blog is an outlet for exciting discussions. This blog is simply an outlet with countless paths.
I think it's awesome that you actually posted your ideas online! I like the look of the page and your intro. I'm actually excited for your next blog that really gets into basketball. And I like that you used "Doolz". Good work :)
Get a life......don't have anything better to do????
hey keep up the good work.... it's not bad
i mean u can make ur page a lilte bit more attenion grabing but not bad for ur first blog!!!! =D
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